Diabetes is always with me. Some days are good, some are less so.

Diabetes is always with me. Some days are good, some less so. Here's what's been going on in my world.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Arm-Flapping Low

The worst kind. The low that gets my arm jerking up uncontrollably, that has my eyes feeling like they're rolling back in my head...I don't know, maybe they do.
I go from feeling sorta woozy, and maybe low, to suddenly, oh yeah this is low, and not good. Pouring juice before the meter even confirms it, because I KNOW it now. My arm is starting to move of its' own volition.
And of course, with this comes panic.
I am alone treating this low, family out and not coming home tonight. Flashes of the last time this happened start to torment me, I couldn't see at all that time. That time, I couldn't hear, speak or see. I just sat and let my convulsing arm shove glucose tabs at my face and hope they hit my mouth. But Luc was with me that time. I try to prep myself, just in case I lose my vision and maybe my lucidity.
My bottle of Dex4 is in my lap. My meter is there, and I have more juice ready. For some weird reason, I shove popcorn into the microwave.
Alone on the couch, I sit and eat popcorn, already too full from supper to be able to handle more food. Because of course that's when this happens. I am full of food-I just took too much insulin.
I stop eating the popcorn. It's making me sick.
You'd think I would have grabbed the phone to have it near me....
The sweat hits. I feel so out of control. I can't walk properly at this point. I am not even sure why I am trying, but my mind keeps saying there's something to do in the kitchen.

Finally, I start to feel it-the slow creep of a rising blood sugar. A bit of calm, rational thought returning. I know I am going to pay for downing those 9, 10, 11? Dex4 tabs, way too many carbs. My blood sugar will be sky high later. But that's ok. Because I was alone, and I made it.

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