Diabetes is always with me. Some days are good, some are less so.

Diabetes is always with me. Some days are good, some less so. Here's what's been going on in my world.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Keeping Track

Am I the only one with diabetes that can't find a user-friendly, all encompassing way to keep track of all the numbers I have to deal with every day?

Is it too much to ask that someone, somewhere, produce a logbook that has room for glucose readings pre and post meal, carb notes (with a reasonable amount of room to actually record more than a number), and a little room in-between for extras like exercise or random lows?
And how about making it cute?

I can't tell you how happy I was when I got my Jr. pen, which is technically meant for kids, and it was blue and yellow and had happy spots all over it. It was....exciting, different, a change. And in a world where not much changes...after all, I am diabetic for life, it was refreshing. It wasn't grey (yeah I am in Canada-I can't bring myself to write gray-lol!).

Life shouldn't always be grey! The colour (again-Canada) boosts me every time I see it. So why doesn't someone make a logbook that looks like a happy journal-and includes all the entry options your average pumping and/or multiple injecting (me) modern-day diabetic needs? I am imagining something in the kinds of patterns and colours you see in scrapbooking paper-fun, bright, encouraging.

I have tried to do it myself, but I am not very good at formatting documents, creating spreadsheets and the like. I am still trying, but man. What I wouldn't give to walk into a bookstore and see a little logbook, all patterned up, colours on the interior pages, and a great layout that helps you see patterns and make changes to your routine if you must. Imagine!

If anyone stumbles across this post, and knows of a system or logbook like the one I am imagining, let me know!!

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