Diabetes is always with me. Some days are good, some are less so.

Diabetes is always with me. Some days are good, some less so. Here's what's been going on in my world.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


My last numbers at the endo were not great...I was sitting at a 7.1 last time I was there, about 5 months ago. My cholesterol was a little high for the first time in my life...so I was nervous about going in this week.
It was a weird appointment.
My cholesterol is back down, good.
But my a1c is up to 7.8. Not so good, and annoying!
I know, I know, I haven't been exercising. So it shouldn't have been a huge surprise, but somehow it was.
She asked me when my numbers seem highest and honestly, it's the morning. But I don't know why! They always seem fine at bedtime and I take 3 units of lantus, then BLAM I'm high in the morning.
She said, as I sort of knew she would, that I may be going low at night, and should cut out the night time insulin. I may be having lows I don't wake up to, and going high after my liver kicks in.
So...I don't take any insulin last night, and lo and behold I am at 6.5 this morning. Not perfect, but waaay better than 10-13 mmol/l I have been running in the morning.
Not sure how to adjust for the little bit I still need to bring it down...maybe 1 unit of lantus at bedtime? Is it even going to do anything?
I'll try it out and let you know.
My goal is to be under 7.0 in September when I go back. This will require:
1. exercise
2. record keeping (you can't control diabetes properly without keeping track of what you are doing...I have set up a logbook that I think might work....based on a couple of models)
3. willpower

Willpower, eesh. I can do it.

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